0800 Cafe opens
All pre-registered runners (postal & online) can pick up their race numbers at the designated desk. See the maps page for more information about desk locations.
0815 – 0940 On the Day registration
This will take place in the village hall (see map on Race Day page) and runners will need to pay their registration fee (£18 affiliated / £20 unaffiliated on the day) either by cheque (made payable to Radnage CofE Infant School PTA) or cash, we will not be able to accept credit/debit cards. To save time, please print off the entry form, fill it in and bring it with you.
You may also find the runner’s information pack useful.
0950 Pre-race briefing
1000 Race Start
The race will start on Green Lane, outside the village hall facing towards City Road. Please try and position yourselves so that more experienced runners are at the front and less experienced towards the back, so that the race is fair for all. All runners will then be walked out of the car park, into Green Lane and to the start line.
Race Finish
There will be hot food and hot drinks available for those needing re-fuelling!